Category Archives of : Press

Emozioni di Anfora

COS, un antesignano dell’anfora: prima di tanti, lui, in silenzio l’ha adottata. Era il 1980 quando tre giovanissimi uomini – viticoltori in erba – prendevano in affitto pochi ettari di terreno in quel di Vittoria, nella storica località di Bastonaca. Giambattista Cilia, Giusto Occhipinti e Cirino Strano erano i nomi di questi avventori siculi che, primi fra tutti…

COS ou la Sicile en amphores. L’azienda agricola COS fêtera ses 40 ansen 2020.

C’est l’un des fleurons biodynamiques d’Europe. En 1980, ils étaient les plus jeunes producteurs de vin en Sicile, ils sont aujourd’hui parmi les plus reconnus, et bien plus largement qu’en Italie. À l’époque, Giambattista Cilia rachète le vignoble familial, non loin de Ragusa, dans le sud-est de la Sicile et convainc deux amis, Giusto Occhipinti […]

Illustrazione Studio Garcia

Muziek in restaurants: hoe het wel moet

Goed om te zien dat u mogelijk anderen inspireert met onze journalistieke content. We vragen u enkel voor persoonlijk gebruik onze content te kopiëren, om geen inbreuk te maken op onze Algemene Voorwaarden. Vraag anders naar onze bedrijfslicenties via Onlangs vroeg sommelier Job Seuren zich in zijn column in wijnmagazine…

The Enthusiast 100 of 2016

DA WINE ENTHUSIAST Dopo aver esaminato quasi 22.000 vini nel corso del 2016, Wine Enthusiast anche quest’anno ha stilato una classifica dei migliori vini da comprare e bere nel corso dei prossimi anni. Con soddisfazione apprendiamo che il nostro Phitos Rosso rientra nella top-ten! Leggi l’intero articolo su Wine Enthusiast

COS: Sicilian Wine for the Curious Wine Drinker

I am always drawn to a wine with an interesting backstory. And while every wine has a story my personal bias is going to take me in the direction of family winemaking and organic or biodynamic viticultural practices. Or in the direction of a winemaker resurrecting a forgotten style of wine. Winemaking in Old World […]

In Sicily, Making a Name for Vittoria

DAL NEW YORK TIMES VITTORIA, Sicily — The red wines made in the vicinity of this midsize town in southeastern Sicily can be elegant and beautiful, with a crunchy freshness and a reticent austerity. They can be intriguingly mineral, gorgeously perfumed and astonishingly pure, while still displaying rich, focused fruit flavors. They offer a lot […]

At COS, the Future of Wine Comes from the Past

DA PALATEPRESS.COM Some years ago, as a fun project, three young men decided to make wine while they were at university together. Today, their winery is legendary for its wines as well as its winemaking and viticultural practices in the Vittoria region of Sicily. The young men were Titta [Giambattista] Cilia, Giusto Occhipinti and Rino […]

bottiglie cos

A tour of Sicily through its wines

DA FOOD AND WINE GAZETTE Goethe said in the 18th century that to have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything. Is that valid for Sicily’s wine? And how do you take a tour of Sicily during a wine tasting? That […]

vini siciliani

From Sicily, Reds Worth the Hunt

DAL NEW YORK TIMES The transformation of the world of wine in the last 20 years has been simply astounding. Consumers have been blessed with a profusion of wonderful wines from sources that few would have predicted as recently as the turn of the century. Case in point: Sicily. Sicily has always been a prodigious […]

Cos a Vittoria: il Cerasuolo lontano dalle convenzioni

Il Cerasuolo di Vittoria rappresenta dal 2005 l’unica DOCG dell’isola siciliana. E’ un vino relativamente giovane apparso intorno al 1600 quando Vittoria Colonna, figlia del Vicerè spagnolo Alfonso Henriquez, decide di regalare un ettaro di terra a tutti coloro che ne avessero coltivato un’altro a vigna. Nel territorio di Vittoria ( RG) là dove i Monti Iblei degradano verso il mare…